ali mattu

How to use exposure therapy to overcome phobias

What is Borderline Personality Disorder? Myths & Misconceptions with Dr Ali Mattu

Why is it so hard to get good therapy?

BEST and WORST of OCD treatments

BEST and WORST cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)

ANXIETY 101 - Everything You Need to Know

NEVER say this to people with OCD

Don’t say this to people who self-harm

11 ways to cope with bipolar disorder

Are you depressed or just sad? Here's how to tell

Top 10 myths about psychologists

How to overcome social anxiety disorder

Most can't resist these compulsions - CAN YOU?

EVERYTHING you've heard about OCD is WRONG

How Dr. Ali Mattu joined The Employables on A&E

Being married to a psychologist | Answering your questions about our relationship

10 Bipolar Depression Myths

Psychologist tries to overcome insomnia in one week, here’s what happened

5 skills psychology grad students must develop now to GET AHEAD

Dr. Ali Mattu Explains the Basics of Agoraphobia

Grieving a loss? Here's what to do.

Do this if you want to stop self-harming

How to stop constantly worrying about the future

Anxiety affirmations from an anxiety expert #motivation #anxietyrelief #psychologist